Dr. Gundersen

05 Sep The Impact of Your Diet on Your Dental Health

The human body works in fascinating ways. Your bodies overall health can be affected by the kind of food you chose to eat. In addition to that, dental health can also be affected by your diet. As much as it is important to brush and floss your teeth regularly, it is equally important to eat right and visit the dentist for regular checkups. A poor diet can cause issues with your dental health resulting in diseases such as tooth decay and gum disease.

How it happens

The human teeth have a thin membrane of bacteria called plaque. Whenever you take in food substances that are full of sugar, plaque comes into contact with the sugar. The reaction between plaque and the ingested sugars forms acids that attack and erode the enamel of the tooth. If you consume food substances with higher sugar concentrations, you eventually increase the reaction of plaque and sugar creating more acid that damages the teeth.

Making healthier decisions

For the sake of your dental health, it is important to start focusing on healthy eating habits. A good practice that promotes dental health is a reduction of your sugar intake. Make sure you read through the nutritional details to determine how much sugar is in the food or drink.  You can also visit the dentist to get a check up on your dental health. Changing your eating patterns can also influence your dental health. It is recommended to take in more water and avoid or limit between meal snacks.

Healthier foods to eat

Since eating right is among the ways through which you can maintain your dental health, here are some of the foods to consider.

  • Cheese, plain yogurt, and milk are some of the food substances that reduce an individual’s chances of getting gingivitis.
  • To curb mineral deficiencies in the body, take lean red meat that is known to contain iron.
  • It is good to take crunchy fruits and vegetables that rinse and remove harmful bacteria from the body such as apples, celery, and carrots.

Contact Silvercreek Dental for all of your Dental Care needs.

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