Summertime Dental Care

periodontal treatment butte mt

14 Jul Summertime Dental Care

Summertime is the season of late nights, of nights our watching fireworks, at barbeques, camping, hiking, vacations, etc. And oftentimes the later we tend to stay awake, or when we travel, the less we tend to stick to regular routines. Here’s a few of the ways to stick to a regular dental care routine, regardless the season. 

Sometimes it can be tempting to skip a late-at-night tooth bushing, especially for children, and to reason that a quality tooth brushing can happen as soon as morning arrives. But the problem is that when teeth are not brushed the plaque continues to build up, and the possibilities begin for tooth decay and gum disease. If you have children, then the child should brush his or her teeth twice each and every day; they should also floss between any two teeth that touch. 

And while summertime has its own share of sugary treats, many of which are hard on teeth, try to remember to either refuse the types of treats that can harm teeth, or consume them only in moderation. It’s tempting when we’re at a barbeque or an outdoor event to graze (consume small amounts of food over a long period of time) but when we graze it can be difficult for the mouth, and its natural cleaning properties, to rid the surfaces of the teeth of food debris. So make sure to stay clear of grazing, and drink water instead of sugary drinks, because the water will help to clean the teeth. 

Most importantly have fun this summer, but just remember, that while you’re having fun, to eat/snack smarter. And remember that even though we tend to pack the summer months with activity, you should keep to regular dental visits; kids, too, would benefit from a summertime visit before the school season begins. So if you need to schedule your next appointment with your dentist at Silver Creek Family Dental, then call today.

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