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05 Sep 5 Tips to Better Dental Health

Everyone wants to flash that great smile without feeling embarrassed about their dental health. It is one of the reasons why dental hygiene and health is crucial.
The effects of poor dental hygiene present itself in medical and dental problems. Some of the common dental ailments include gum diseases, infection and tooth loss in some cases. It is important to conduct regular dental checkups and properly clean the teeth to avoid such conditions.
Dental Health Tips
1. Proper Brushing
It is the easiest and cheapest of keeping the teeth and tongue clean. Hold the toothbrush bristles at 45 degrees close to the gum. The tooth and gum should be in contact with the brush bristles. Brush back and forth and up and down motion both inside and outside of the teeth surface. Brush the tongue and the roof of the mouth too to avoid bad smell. Brush at least twice daily.
2. Flossing
Flossing is a chore that most people detest. It helps removes food particles and other substances that the toothbrush may not effectively remove. Flossing reaches deep between teeth where bristles and mouthwash cannot clean. Flossing should be done at least once daily.
3. No tobacco
Avoiding tobacco is one way of doing your teeth a big favor. To begin with, it keeps periodontal complications and oral cancer at bay. Secondly, nobody loves tobacco smoke. Some of the tobacco agents weaken the dental formula.
4. Limit alcohol, coffee, and soda intake
Too much of phosphorous depletes the calcium levels in the body. The teeth contain calcium too. It causes gum diseases and tooth decay.
Beverages containing additives such as food dyes tend to discolor the teeth. Choose beverages that will brighten the teeth and strengthen the enamel like milk.
5. Include calcium and vitamins in your diet
Bones and teeth need calcium. Some important sources of vitamins and calcium include yoghurt, broccoli, cheese, dairy products and fortified orange juice. There are recommended calcium supplements too.
Vitamin D and calcium are crucial in maintaining the health of the gums by protecting them from conditions such as cracking and bleeding of the gums.

Contact Silvercreek Dental for all of your Dental Care needs.

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