Pregnancy and Your Dental Health

20 Mar Pregnancy and Your Dental Health

Pregnancy causes a woman’s body to undergo drastic changes, but did you know it can also affect your dental health? It’s true, pregnancy can cause changes in the mouth, cause minor versions of oral disease to creep up, etc. So, how should you approach dental health during pregnancy? Here are a few helpful tips.

The pregnant approach to dental health

There’s no reason to discontinue seeing your dentist during the nine months of your pregnancy. It is important, however, that you discuss with your dentist what medications you’re taking for the pregnancy, and the current term of the pregnancy. One reason to not schedule a dental appointment, during a pregnancy, is if another doctor has declared the pregnancy high-risk, and believes that you should be getting plenty of rest.

During pregnancy, you may also notice changes in your mouth. For instance, it is common for pregnant women to have a mild form of gingivitis develop, but it’s usually easily treatable (you will want to treat problems like gingivitis immediately, as it can progress to a more severe stage of the disease—Silver Creek Family Dentistry will be able to assess the best course of treatment). Your gums may become tender and red. You can prevent this type of gingivitis by more frequent brushings, and, also, limiting the amount of snacking you do during the day. It’s common for pregnant women to eat more during this time (you’re eating for two right!), but try and limit the snacking, and, try to stay clear of sugary foods, and drinks. If you do happen to partake, remember that your mouth may be more susceptible, and should be cleaned with regular brushings and flossing. It may also be a benefit to take a fluoride mouthwash during this time. And remember, your baby relies on what you eat, your baby’s teeth will begin to develop somewhere between the third and sixth month.

If you have any questions about your dental health while you’re pregnant, or would like to make a dental plan for the duration of your pregnancy, contact Silver Creek Family Dentistry today.


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