Bacteria And Disease

dental crowns butte mt

10 Sep Bacteria And Disease

Yes, mouth bacteria are responsible for certain chronic oral diseases such as gingivitis and the more severe periodontal disease. If bacteria are allowed to thrive in the mouth, bad things happen. But did you know that there are also studies which link a prevalence of mouth bacteria to certain systemic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease? Research is beginning to connect conditions in the mouth to the rest of the body. But that isn’t to say that poor oral hygiene is going to cause heart disease, or cause a person to have a stroke. Or a person who has a stroke is automatically going to also suffer a chronic oral condition. The two conditions are connected but not where one condition always follows another. Hopefully, however, because research is showing a causal link between the two conditions, more and more people will understand the cause-effect relationship between oral health and full-body health.

What do we do?

First, we brush and floss twice daily. We brush for at least two minutes, making sure to hit every exposed surface on our teeth (Make sure to keep the backs of the teeth clean as well!) You should also be flossing between your twice at least once every day. Flossing helps to remove the bacteria buildup between our teeth, all the way down to the gum line. If bacteria are allowed to thrive around the gum line, plaque buildup will eventually lead to oral conditions such as gingivitis and, if left untreated, the much more severe condition of periodontal disease. You should also see the dentist at least once-yearly—for a checkup and a routine cleaning. Your dentist at SilverCreek Dental will be able to chart your oral progress, note any changes that take place in your mouth, basically playing offense—cleaning and managing your healthy smile—and also playing defense—managing and planning for changes in your mouth—and doing both at once!

If it’s been awhile since your last dental checkup, or if you don’t have a regular dentist, and you would like to begin a long and reliable relationship for your dental health, then call SilverCreek Dental to schedule an appointment.

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