White Teeth: The Home Pantry is Not the Final Word in Tooth Whitening

endodontics butte mt

08 Jun White Teeth: The Home Pantry is Not the Final Word in Tooth Whitening

It’s tempting to find natural ingredients in the pantry or refrigerator that can help to brighten a smile. A bright white smile is very important to most of us; statistically, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a white smile was the most prevalent response to the question of what was the one thing people would most like to improve about their smile. A healthy smile doesn’t necessarily mean hyper-bright white teeth, and a healthy smile can have many different shades of white. And while tooth whiteners can be an important component to dental health, there are some methods of routine dental care that are by far more important and effective. And there are some supposed at-home methods of tooth whitening, but these methods fall far short of being incredibly effective, and in some cases these methods could even damage teeth. Here are a few methods to keep your teeth white and healthy, and a few of the reasons why we can dispel with the myths regarding the effectiveness of certain pantry ingredients. 

The most important thing you can do at home to keep your teeth white and healthy is to brush twice, each and every day, and then floss at least once. You can brush with a toothpaste that has whitening ingredients. And remember that certain beverages like coffee and red wine do stain teeth. And make sure to keep to your twice yearly dental checkups to ensure that your mouth is professional cleaned, and healthy. 

One supposed cure-all for tooth whitening is baking soda combined with citrus. But the problem with the citrus is that when it’s used routinely, and used as a cleaning agent, its acids can break down the enamel on the surface of the teeth. And once that enamel is worn away it can no longer protect the teeth from cavities. There is also rumor that certain oils and the spice turmeric can whiten teeth. And indeed, there is some truth to oil pulling, notably that certain oil, such as coconut, can help to clean bacteria from the mouth. But there is no evidence that these methods help to achieve whiter teeth, especially not more than a simple cleaning routine. 

If you have any questions about how your dentist at Silver Creek Family Dental can help you achieve a brighter, healthier, whiter smile then call today.

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