What Does A Toothache Have To Do With A Stuffy Nose?

dentist butte mt

06 Oct What Does A Toothache Have To Do With A Stuffy Nose?

If you continually battle a stuffy nose or have long suffered from sinus infections — and you have a toothache — it is probably a good time to visit your dentist or physician. Since an infected or abscessed tooth can lead to sinus infections, and a sinus infection can be mistaken for a toothache, you need to determine which one is the culprit so you can take steps to fix the problem.

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According to the Mayo Clinic, there can definitely be a relationship between sinus infections and toothaches. For example, when sinus cavities become inflamed or swollen from allergies, sinus blockages, or respiratory infections, the pressure on your face and teeth roots can make it feel like the problem is caused by cavities or other types of dental problems. In addition, problems such as impacted wisdom teeth or a cracked tooth can also lead to sinus problems.

Watch for Symptoms

Toothaches caused by sinus congestion can show up in a variety of ways, including a constantly itchy or runny nose or an uncomfortable feeling of pressure on your face or neck. You may also experience a throbbing pain in some or all of your teeth, which can seem to come and go at any time.

Allowing allow a sinus infection to fester can make it hard to keep your teeth and mouth healthy. Not only can sinus infections cause toothaches, but they can also lead to bad breath, post-nasal drip, persistent coughs — and even a stuffy nose.

If you suspect that a sinus infection has lead to a problem with your teeth or your teeth may be causing a sinus infection, be sure to contact your dentist or doctor right away. If you take care of the problem promptly, you can keep both your sinuses clear and your teeth in good shape and avoid serious problems in the future.

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