Reasons Why Baby Teeth are Important…

tooth extractions butte mt

09 Nov Reasons Why Baby Teeth are Important…

Did you know that all twenty of a baby’s primary teeth are already in his or her mouth at birth? It’s true. You can’t see the teeth yet because they are still below the gum line, but each one has fully developed and will soon begin its ascent. These teeth will typically appear above the gum line when the baby is between six months and one year. And all the teeth will likely be present and accounted for when the baby turns three. And even though a child will lose every single baby tooth, those teeth are still very important to his or her overall health and wellbeing. Those baby teeth will help the child chew his or her food; They will help the child speak and smile; and, those teeth are important to the development of permanent teeth, because they hold a place in the mouth for permanent teeth to eventually grow into—if a baby tooth is lost early there is a good chance that the permanent tooth that proceeds it will grow in an inappropriate location, possibly crooked, but likely crowding the space for permanent teeth.

It is important to care for those baby teeth before those teeth are in the mouth. What does that mean? That means gently scrubbing the baby’s gum line with a damp cloth (make sure it is a very, very soft washcloth) or a gauze pad to keep the gum line clean and free of plaque. The moment those teeth begin to ascend up through the gums they are immediately susceptible to harm via bacteria—decay can occur immediately. And the act of rubbing a child’s gums with a gentle washcloth or gauze pad should help to alleviate the soreness that accompanies the sprouting of teeth.

And remember that a child’s first tooth or teeth should be inspected by your dentist at Silver Creek Family Dental. It’s such an important time for your dentist to inspect your child’s mouth, but also for your child to become accustomed to the dentist. If a child has a quality experience then he or she should be more confident and comfortable in the dentist’s office, a comfort that they will hopefully carry with them throughout life.

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